Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Aishna, our li'l sweetheart is leaving today. Lisa stops by in the morning to say goodbye to her. As we drive her to the Zurich airport, to me it feels like just yesterday when we picked her up. It was great to have the smiling, energetic and chirpy soul with us. We will surely MISS her cry

The weaving long lines at the baggage drop, give us some extra time with her. As she passes through the security gate, I sure hope that she will come back soon.


b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_IMG_0159.JPGIn the afternoon, Armand and Lukas drive all of us to Aareschlucht, a walk through the Aare Gorge. The gorge is spectacular - it's drizzling, foggy and misty and we can hear the Aare river roaring deafeningly through the towering narrow walls of the gorge. The total length is 1.4kms, but we take about an hour, stopping frequently to admire and capture Aare River forging it's path through Rock. Coffee and Swiss cookies is the best way to wait out the rain at the east end. 

Armand & Lukas decide show our guests some different scenery.. and we drive via Sustenpass to view the Stein Glacier. At the top, we're at ~2224m elevation and the temp has dropped to 6°C. I step out along with others, but within a couple of mins, i feel a wave of exhaustion sweep over me. All the late nights for the preparation to move from US & the wedding have taken a toll on me. I crawl back into the car as the rest of the gang continues to take pictures and enjoy the views. After all I'm no longer a tourist and can come back as i need to!!!

It's a cold evening and nothing sounds more comforting to the body and soul than Italian food. Pizza, Risotto, Gelati, Tiramisu, Caffè corretto... perfect ending to another wonderful day with good amici!