Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...


33 days, 7 cities, one hectic trip back home.

Helping parents deal with an alcoholic son, feeling their pain, sadness and helplessness..

Daily visits to hospitals, Search for a suitable rehab center..

Joy of meeting my niece after 4 years - albeit in the Hospital.

Bursting out in tears while packing the alcoholic brother's suitcase for the hospital -- feelings of pity, sadness, anger. Wanting to run away from his now revolting alcoholic personality.

Reliving childhood memories of the family: Playing cards together, morning Yoga sessions, visiting the house where we grew up, meeting with parents of childhood friends and school-teachers... Priceless!!

A rejuvenating Ayurvedic massage -- Thank you Radha! 

Being conned by a dentist friend into getting some unnecessary (and later defined as criminal by the European dentists) dental work done... Sad part being i trusted his professional opinion more than the advice of Lukas and my Sis.. cry

Beach snacking moments with cousins, enjoying authentic South Indian food on banana-leaf with Sis and niece..

Some walks, and long-long talks...

Losing myself in the #beats #tabla #drumsofindia @ festival of Indian Classical Music 

Not-to-be-missed mandatory #Shopping #TasteofIndia @ Dilli-Haat -- with Sista-Pista

Before i know it, it's time to head back to Swiss. As i tuck myself into my seat, I take a few moments to reflect on my whirlwind emotional trip.. Phew!!! 

My thoughts turn to being back with Lukas, Skylar and Nellie and I wonder will they remember me and brush me with their tail or run away from me?? 





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