Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

Jolanda's father (Paul) has visited South-India a couple of times. He's a foodie fascinated by Indian cuisine, so for his Birthday, she surprises him a with "Father-Daughter Ayurvedic South Indian Cooking Class" at her apartment in Kriens.

I pack a couple of pans (especially the Tadka pan.. hard to find those in a Swiss household), all the ingredients, his favourite veggies, fresh herbs and carry it to the car. It's still cold, but thankfully there's no Snow, so it's relatively easy to walk down with all the stuff.

About 45 minutes later, I ring her doorbell. Jolanda and Paul greet me with a Namaste. They're both eagerly looking forward to cook vegetarian, gluten free - South Indian food. I start with an introduction to the Spices, delving a bit into traditional South-Indian cooking with all its characteristic flavours of coconut, curry leaves and mustard seeds and then to the detailed recipes. Soon the sounds of chopping, washing, roasting, steaming and sizzling fill the Kitchen. We can barely hear the Indian Classical music playing in the background. With 7 dishes to cook and all 3 of us working ambidextrously, the 4 burner stove can hardly keep up.. 

Two hours later, we're ready. A vibrant spread of Vepambu (Neem-flower) Rasam, Kohlrabi-Carrot Poriyal, Parpu, Cucumber-Tomato Pachadi, Rice, Papadam and Payasam awaits us. Paul says that all these different smells wafting about have made him ravenous and he can hardly wait to dig in... But wait, -- a picture to send back home to my family -- May I? He obliges and I take a quick picture and so does Jolanda. Paul takes a bite... Heavenly.. mhmmmminnocent 

Jolanda and I dig in as well. The different tastes -- sour, sweet, bitter, salty, astringent -- and textures come together in the mouth, tantalizing the taste buds..  Paul says that he cannot believe that something that's so delicious can also be extremely nutritious.. Now that's a tribute to Indian Cooking. I bow silently to my cultural heritage!





After Lunch, I give Paul his gift -- all the dry ingredients for him to recreate this meal. I have brought labels with me, so he can write the names of the different lentils and spices and thereby learn how to identify them. He's thrilled and says he would love to cook this sumptuous meal -- that is not only is a feast for the eyes, but also the Palate -- for his wife!! Wow.. so glad that the gift of Indian Cuisine continues to bring smiles..