Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2017_10_IMG_5757.JPGA woody Chärnwaldräuber (Kern forest robber) figure sits comfortably on the idyllic moorland Gerzensee enjoying the view and the biodiversity of the flora and fauna. He seems to be basking in the absolute tranquility, which is almost meditative. Sometimes, the water level of this small forest lake is so high that the robber can bathe his feet in the water. 

My friend Maya has invited me on a walk through Kernwald. She grew up just a couple of kms from here. 

Kernwald (Or Kern forest) forms the border between the cantons of Nidwalden and Obwalden. We start walking on the trail at Chabisstein. Mira (Maya's 3 year old daughter) is happy to skip around. Every moss covered stone, colorful plant and tree species is a miracle to her.. 

As we make our way to the core of the forest towards Gerzensee, every so often we come across these Chärnwaldräuber figures carved in Wood. Legend has it that the core of the forest was inhabited by a Robber, which kept people away from the forest. We arrive at the forest clearing where an idyllic moorland lake awaits us. Where robbers used to go about their business, today a species-rich nature reserve invites us to linger and enjoy. Nature seeks her own ways here. We sit in Silence for a bit, but Mira is too excited to sit still. She wants to catch every butterfly, every grass hopper, play around in the fall-foliage.. Well .. has been a while since I saw the forest through the eyes of a 3 year old.. so i happily join the gang!!

Maya tells me that a prehistoric landslide of the Stanserhorn created this unique landscape in the Kernwald and this lake which has neither an inflow nor an outflow, it is fed by the groundwater.

Thank you Maya and Mira for an enchanting day in the Forest!






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