Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

It's that time of the year again -- SU Beckenried has their yearly walk in May. This year it's on May 22nd. The destination is usually kept a surprise. We're only asked to bring something that might be necessary -- this year it is headlamps.

b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2017_05_IMG_5125.JPGWe carpool to Erstfeld (Canton Uri), where we park our cars and begin the walk along the river Reuss. Soon we arrive at the tiny 3 person aerial cableway "Ripshusen-Zieriberg".. Ooh.. I'm excited.. That's cool.. we're going up the cablecar to 900 m.a.s.l.!! But Na. Na... Na... Na... Nada.... With 30+ women, it'd take us all night to just get up there.

We continue on our walk slightly uphill, to the left of the path a steep rocky slope, on the right below the rushing Reuss. Since the trail isn't very wide..we walk in twos. I'm meeting "Regula" (walking beside me) for the first time. She starts to talk about her upcoming trip to the US. They're going to rent a RV and drive through the US, covering a couple of National Parks and some cities. I ask her not to miss the drive along the Pacific coast and Yellowstone NP, Crater lake et.. al.. We talk a bit about US, San Diego, Grand Canyon ..  Suddenly we come to a tunnel and everywhere on the rocky outcrops and in the niches, porcelain and clay angels in all sizes are standing, kneeling and laying... AngelTrail!! 

Ahhh.. now we need the headlamps.. through the tunnel The "Hoheweg" continues along the Reuss and leads us to the village of "Attinghausen". We walk towards the village centre and suddenly rising on a rocky hill -- The picturesque ruins of a medieval castle.. This is our destination. This is where we will grill & chill out the evening... 

I wander alone through the castle ruins - a board says it dates back to the 11th or 12th century.. As i walk around the mighty central tower, my imagination takes over.. Barons, Knights, Fights, Pride....

I walk back to the ladies and spend the rest of the evening.. sipping Tea, munching on cakes, and gossiping.. once in a while casting a quick glance on the ruins.. the lit up Tower against the Twilight Sky and the thousand year old Knighty Tales come back to life...  













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