Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

It's a dull cloudy day. I check the webcam @ Klewen .. and as expected, it's above the Sea of Fog. Why not walk in Sunshine? No matter how many times i do it, the moment of breaking through the cloud cover into the Sunshine, is always a miracle... And  I'm all for miracles - Today and hopefully Everyday!!

I revel in the blue skies and the green meadows as i make my way to our Christmas Tree. All the ornaments are still in place, happily swaying in the gentle breeze.. I sit by the tree, light a candle, sip on the Tea and munch the cookies... I bask in the peace and tranquility of the Sunlight filtering through the thick forest cover for what seems to be eternity.

I feel refreshed as i step back on the trail to continue on to Stöckhütte, hop on a Gondola to Emmetten and then Post Bus back Home..  








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