Where others come for vacation...
where others come for vacation ...

As i make my way up to Turnhalle Allmend carrying my Yoga-mat, I'm a li'l apprehensive. It's the first time I'm teaching Yoga in German. What if words suddenly fail me? Most women know nothing about Yoga, so i may have to do a lot of talking. Lukas had  generously offered to be my student at home, so i already had a couple of practice sessions.. Yet.. I'm nervous. Perhaps i feel I'm representing India and i don't want to let my country down in front of the women of this village. I try to shrug the weight off my shoulders with deep stomach breathing. Good, i must practice what i preach!

Heidi (the President of SU) meets me at the door and shows me around. The different keys for the main door, the Hall, the cupboards, the files etc. I lay out the mats for the women.. and then roll out my own & sit down. The women start to trickle in. Since today is with the 55+ age group, I'm expecting ~5 or so. And they keep coming.. soon there's 19 of them. Oh my... need to speak louder. Not a problem in English, but in German, I'll find out soon...

I start a bit nervously, welcoming them all. I ask how many of them had already experienced a Yoga Class. Two hands go up. So i start with the basics - explaining the difference between Yoga and other sport activities, what we're going to do, about being consciously present, about the importance of breathing et al.. I watch the expression on the faces.. they appear kind and understanding. I mentally applaud the women for their bravery in trying something new. ~15 minutes into the class, I start to feel better with my German and soon I'm one with the Yoga-mat, letting my anxieties drop..

As i end the class with a Namaste, bowing to all these brave women, a round of applause fills the room. The women gladly take the printout of upcoming sessions. I feel good overall, though i could've probably spoken a bit louder. I roll my mat, put away the file, lock the room & walk into the women's changing room. The women smile at me. A few of them are going for a drink to Nidwaldnerhof and invite me over. "I must be ok in their books" i say to myself as Heidi and I walk to Nidwaldnerhof to join the other women.