
b_200_0_7829367_0_0_images_2017_10_IMG_5709.JPGIt's ~3PM as we arrive @ Unterrüti on this sunny Saturday afternoon. We start going through different rooms as usual, taking care of what needs to be done, prepared for the workers to continue their work et al... Lukas hears something in the NebenStube. And suddenly he sees it, a tiny little yellow breasted bird, sitting in one corner, shivering from fear. Lukas gently takes it in his fingers. It continues to shiver, all afraid of what fate has in store for it. Lukas holds it gently in Silence... giving it love ..

The tiny bird stays in his hand for ~10 Minutes, then Poops on Lukas's hand before flying away.. 

THANK YOU li'l Birdie for your Blessing!!

We step out for a walk and Kobi's (The neighbouring farmer) cows grazing in front of our house, greet us, pausing from their grazing to look at these strange two-legged creatures.. who have nothing better to do than to walk around.. tongue-out



