
We've been working all morning at the House Suddenly Lukas says.. Let's take a break and get out of here. Sounds good!! Well.. we all know, what "All Work and No Play" can make out of us...

Spontaneously we start our walk from the oh-so-peaceful Tannwald and continue walking by green Pastures, happily grazing cows, their bells reverberating through the pastures and mountainsides. After about 4 km, the path ends and through the forest we continue to walk down the rocky terrain, till we reach the picturesque village of Bauen inhabited by ~ 200 villagers.

There's still time for the boat, so we sit on the terrace of the historic Zwyssighaus. With a view of the lake, we rest and indulge in our ice creams, till the sound of the Horn announces the Ship. A half hour on the boat and we're in Treib. We're too lazy to walk back up, so we take the funicular railway upto Seelisberg Bahnhof and then walk the rest of the way to the car.. 

And I say to myself.. Oh what a wonderful



